Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Praise God all the Time

Thank you all for all your prayers. We know God has heard them and answered them and is continuing to answer them... "And whatever you ask in My Name that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." John 14:13
We have already seen our patience, love, and compassion grow and pray that it will continue to do so. Also, as of today, a new project was discussed that will allow our time and efforts to be more concentrated on specific centres and activities. This will allow us to get to know some people in the villages and to hopefully start something that will continue long after we have left the Lord willing.
Two villages have been chosen to be the beginning of a new phase in Nkhoma Orphan Care Project (NOCP). Starting soon the Orphan Bible Clubs of Livuadzi and Kalamba will meet three times every week to do Bible study, activities and homework together. The goal is to help Nkhoma Orphan Care to be similar to that of other Agencies in the surrounding area. Right now Nkhoma is dealing with emergency relief and has not had the opportunity to develop any further. We hope to introduce something that will give spiritual growth and encourage the people to desire to work hard towards independence.
This is a major step that we are attempting to take, and we request earnest supplication to our Father.
Please pray for:
-The whole team at NOCP that we will all have wisdom and diligence.
-Each orphan centre we will be working with that they may be enthusiastic and do their part!
-That the foundation of these Bible Clubs will be Christ.
-The three girls who will be joining us on Thursday, for safe travels and spiritual strength. And for Ruth Ann who is preparing to join us on June 19.
-Thank God for answered prayers and His unfailing love and mercy!

This past weekend we had the opportunity to go to Lake Malawi for a vacation. We enjoyed the water, sunrise, sunsets, and the fellowship of the Kamnkhwani family. We were thankful to get to know them better!
But now it is back to work...


Anonymous said...

It's awesome how He answers prayers!
I'll keep praying for you two and I hope that all goes well with the new project.
I love you and miss you.

Anonymous said...

Hi girls! So excited to hear about the new plans... We know you girls are up to the task, with God's help. We will pray that the Lord will impart much wisdom through your efforts to those who are hungry for it and even those who are not aware that they need it!Proverbs 8: 1-21 Wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.(8:11) For the Lord gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.(2:6) Mom

Hi Monica and Amy,
It's wonderful to hear how the Lord is using you to do His work there in Malawi. Were praying that the Lord would use you both to "begin good works" that can be established and carried on and make lasting and positive impacts on the people you are serving. May He continue to give you health and strength and dependence on Him for all that you need. (Psalm 111)
Lots of love, Uncle John and Aunt Joy

So glad to hear that things are looking a little brighter since the last update. We will definintely pray that this project will come together smoothly and that everything will work out! Love you and miss you!

Carol-Lee Joy said...

The new project sounds very exciting! I hope and pray with you girls that it will continue even after you leave.

Anonymous said...

Amen to what Kira said; It is AWESOME how he answers prayers!
I'll be praying for the new project, and hope that you'll be kept super busy by it!

By the way, I am starting to miss you so much it is causing me physical pain. I guess that is an exaggeration. Either way, I miss you alot. Singing "I asked the Lord" at LW made me want to sing with you really bad, and even have you laugh at me when my voice does funny things.

God is good--ALL THE TIME!

nadine j. said...

We sang "I Asked the Lord" at LW on Saturday.

I missed you.

Anonymous said...

Sounds exciting, its pretty amazing to see how God answers prayer. Missed you at baseball Mon, can't wait til you're back. I'm really looking forward to working with you both on the new yp board! Loads of Love,